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The world’s leading logistics company deploys Bizagi globally for 320,000 users to drive automation orchestration from end-to-end

Largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe transforms supply chain across 400 factories to improve operational efficiency by 60%.

One of the world’s largest consumer goods companies brings complete visibility to supply chain & finance processes, cutting cycle times in half

Leading African financial services group makes bank branch queues 9X shorter and sees 15% NPS increase with process automation.

Japanese insurance arm of the eighth largest bank in the world transforms their B2B insurance claims process to ensure compliance and delight customers.

The world's third-largest staffing firm's Portuguese operation transforms patchwork IT systems to cut average SLA completion time by 95%.

The largest beverage supplier in Latin America automates processes to deliver greater efficiencies in over 200 million transactions a year

Multinational electronics manufacturer reduces process time of pricing approval by 85% to win more business and empower employees.

Bunzl Retail and Healthcare Supplies
Transportation & Logistics
Customer Experience

Multinational distribution company automates customer contact center to resolve cases 33% faster

Insight Investment launches process engineering Center of Excellence to deliver visibility & process improvement across the organization

Largest bank in Colombia combines Bizagi and RPA to free over 515,000 hours per year in-branch.

Leading hedge fund administrator delivers greater business intelligence and ensures regulatory compliance.

The world's largest privately-owned facilities management services company automates new starter process for 93% reduction in time to create new employee ID.

Leading pharmaceutical company increases procurement efficiency to deliver cost savings in just 10 weeks.

Top Portuguese utilities provider implements processes twice as fast, reducing development time and costs.

The Deutsche Telekom initiative is using Bizagi to manage the end-to-end roll out of open access fibreoptic broadband to 4 million homes in rural Germany.

Russell Reynolds Associates
Professional Services
Digital Operations

Global Executive search firm develops new workflows to outsource over 71,000 hours of data entry work

The leading insurer in Dominican Republic transforms car claims process, doubling productivity but only hiring one additional employee and delighting customers with fast service.

This leading Baltic bank is leveraging Bizagi to completely transform consumer and corporate lending to speed up processes, improve the customer experience and meet regulatory requirements.

Multinational consumer goods enterprise automates finance processes to see 80% decrease in approval times and eliminate lost opportunities

The Austrian bank automated credit deferral to see the process’s efficiency increased by 90%

Largest department store in Latin America transforms its ecommerce operations by managing and automating processes through a central platform.

Largest agricultural lender in US replaces legacy processes to analyze 97% of loans in shorter timescales.

Travel commerce platform accelerates delivery time to triple customer request completion rate, achieving positive ROI in just 2 months.

Banco de Occidente
Digital Operations

Leading Colombian bank re-engineers systems with low-code automation for customer-centricity

Global insurer transformed UK claims process in just six weeks with automation increasing efficiency by 80% across admin tasks.

Social housing corporation saved €200,000 a year by optimizing renting process on 60,000 homes.

Leading total provider of internal logistics solutions developed a service portal to deliver a next level customer service experience.

Engineering company automates over 5000 reports to deliver visibility and cost savings across 47 construction sites

Colombian pension organization automated 120+ processes in 9 months to enable greater speed, agility and service.

Asian credit provider uses digital process automation to approve credit release decision in 30 minutes and issue ready-to-use credit cards in-branch.

Life sciences product manufactuer uses digital process automation to increase throughput time of key business processes by 45%.

Leading Argentinian oil & gas company documents over 300 processes to ensure compliance and visibility for onsite workers in high-risk scenarios

Secretaria Da Fazenda Do Estado Do Ceará (SEFAZ)
Public Sector
Digital Operations
Human Resources

Brazilian State Finance Secretariat automates processes to handle over 25,000 cases and achieve 100% document digitization

One of Norway's largest broadband providers saved three man-years' worth of work by automating core processes with Bizagi.

Bahraini oil and energy company automated 50 processes in one year to ensure over 1,500 oil wells are drilled, optimized and managed effectively.

Ministry of Housing, City and Territory of Colombia
Public Sector
Customer Experience

Colombian government ministry automates water services subsidy process in just 10 days to support over 2 million residents in rural areas

Swisslog Healthcare
Marketing & Sales

Healthcare logistics provider automates sales team operations for 50% faster quotation lead time

German eco-energy provider digitizes operations to halve the time it takes to complete forms-based sales processes.

Radiator manufacturer deploys Bizagi to centralize and standardize operations, halving lead time for orders

One of Spain's largest banks automated the management of real-estate repossessions through 12 key processes, 30% faster than expected.

Leading Spanish bank develops rapid process automation to bring transparency to 400 users in just 6 weeks.

Spanish government financial agency processed 80,000 online credit applications in its first 6 months for 140,000 SMBs.

Multinational Aerospace and Defense Company
Manufacturing & Retail
Governance & Compliance

Multinational Aerospace and Defense company makes parts order process 720x faster with 300 parts automatically validated in 5 minutes.

One of the world’s largest chemical producer uses Bizagi to transform operations

Global Consumer Goods Manufacturer sees 70% cost reduction from process factory created with Bizagi.

American Healthcare Savings Administrator

Health Savings Administrator sees 75% faster case resolution with agile approach to working using business process automation CoE

Luxury fashion & beauty brand automates its campaign management process to reimagine perfume releases across 2000 stores

Prestigious Group of Hotels and Casinos
Governance & Compliance

Renowned casino chain digitized manual activities of the credit approval process for patrons to ensure that loans administered met regulatory guidelines.

UK-Based Underwriter of Speciality Insurance
Governance & Compliance
Digital Operations

Speciality insurer automates peer review process to see 200% quality improvement and automated audit trail.

Large coal mine consolidated processes in just 6 months to see increased agility, integration & visibility.

American Healthcare Consortium
Governance & Compliance

Benefits Administration Team of healthcare consortium automate processes through single platform to achieve full visibility and increase efficiency.

Leading oil & gas company optimized its well-servicing program with tracking and troubleshooting in just 16 weeks.

Top Asian securities company drives business growth with automated processes through centralized sales portal.

Largest Chilean gas company reduces discount approval times by over 80% to drive efficiency in supply chain.

Santander Colombia optimized their customer service by automating processes including account opening and credit disbursement.

This leading provider of commercial vehicles implemented Bizagi's platform increase operational efficiency and speed, while maintaining compliance, governance and a single source for data.

This leading Colombian bank is using Bizagi to support the digital transformation of its services to increase revenue, connect legacy systems with modern process applications and integrate 30+ systems.

Multinational food packaging manufacturer created authorization matrix for internal approvals and enabled end-to-end visibility of processes including claim management.

B2B energy supplier orchestrated workflows across the organization and to simplify product landscape and centralize vendor information.

Italian insurance provider A&A uses Bizagi as an orchestrator, delivering real-time process transparency for insurance claims, and integrating with Dynamis 365, Sharepoint, SMS, RPA and more.

Erste Bank Hungary
Digital Operations

This leading bank in Eastern Europe serving 16.5 million clients in 7 countries is leveraging Bizagi to modernize its banking systems, using the platform for all back-office workflow projects.

This group of Catholic churches deployed Bizagi to help run processes as part of the employee experience such as onboarding, along with other HR, IT and factilities management processes.

This rapidly expanding fibre broadband provider uses Bizagi to transform processes such as supplier onboarding, helpdesk, request for cabinet change and more.

Tegut, based in Germany, is a Swiss owned supermarket chain, part of Migros, the largest retail company in Switzerland. The organization is using Bizagi to automate and digitize processes to boost efficiency.

Poder Judicial Del Estado de Coahuila
Public Sector
Governance & Compliance

The Mexican state of Coahuila automated 150 key processes across 8 districts to increase the capacity of judicial cases.

Leading health and hygiene manufacturer automated a range of processes across operations, product and HR to create visibility, reduce waste and eliminate reliance on paperwork.

Construction and engineering company automated HE processes to save time & money and onboard new employees more efficiently.

Independence Blue Cross
Governance & Compliance

Health insurance organization orchestrates healthcare provider data to ensure effective and compliant data management.

Insurer automates underwriting, peer review and payments processes to ensure governance and anti-fraud measures.

Financial services provider combined AI and process automation to deliver a KYC tool that ensures compliance and a seamless customer experience.

Commercial & private bank developed 3 major apps to support their operations, with custom integrations to provide data visibility and quality assurance.

Largest bank in Dominican Republic automated multiple loan processes and optimized product request approval to be more responsive to customers.

Coronation Fund Management
Digital Operations

Fund management company transformed and automated trading, validations and research invoicing.

Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Company
Utilities & Energy
Digital Operations

Oil & Gas Company uses low-code to make processes 90x faster and save $300,000 per year

Northwest Capital Planning of Healthcare Consortium
Digital Operations
Governance & Compliance

Regional group of healthcare consortium transforms complex capital approval process