
Low-Code ROI: Demonstrating the Value of Low-Code Platforms

Listing the benefits of low-code is easy: faster development; greater agility; increased productivity, cost savings... the list goes on. But it's important for businesses to evaluate the true value they can derive from implementing a low-code platform to make informed decisions about their technology investments. So how can you quantify the ROI a low-code platform delivers to your business?


Development time 

Traditional development is often characterized by lengthy, rigid development cycles that delay deployment; which is often delayed even further due to IT backlog. Low-code is estimated to shorten development time by between 40% and 60%. Assessing how many development hours are saved when comparing how long it takes to deploy an application using low-code vs traditional development provides you with a tangible metric to measure the efficiency gains facilitated by a low-code platform. 

Case study: Bizagi’s low-code platform enabled independent fund administration firm, Stone Coast, to deploy their first application in just 6 weeks.


Number of IT requests 

Low-code accelerates citizen development, so business users can take the reins on the development of certain applications. This reduces the number of requests submitted to your IT team. Comparing the number of requests sitting in the IT backlog pre and post-implementation of a low-code platform can shine a light on the value delivered. 

Case study: Following their Bizagi implementation, German eco-energy provider, WeMag were able to reduce reliance on their IT team by enabling employees to create their own solutions using low-code development.


Looking for a low-code platform?

IT spend 

A low-code platform can reduce IT spend in several ways. You can identify the savings made by: 

- Calculating the costs associated with recruiting professional developers to build applications vs seeking out citizen developers within the business. 

- Considering the costs associated with infrastructure setup and maintenance that cloud-based low-code platforms eliminate. 

- Comparing the licensing costs of a low-code platform vs those of the tools needed for traditional development.


Digital transformation progress 

Low-code can accelerate digital transformation as more people across the organization can participate in application development and turn their ideas into apps. This drives continuous improvement and creates a culture of innovation that moves the enterprise towards its digital goals. 

Case study: Leading Colombian bank, Banco de Occidente, have used Bizagi’s low-code platform to re-engineer their core banking system for both commercial and retail functions and integrated legacy systems to provide end-to-end visibility of their architecture.


Productivity gains 

The impact of low-code goes far wider than the IT team. To demonstrate its true value, you need to measure how automations and workflows managed by applications which were built using the low-code platform have improved business processes. Look at:

- Average time needed to complete a process

- Resources needed to complete a process

Case study: Using Bizagi’s low-code platform, adidas was able to transform their highly manual factory onboarding process. The global sportswear manufacturer used automation to simplify their previously complex and lengthy approval process to increase visibility across departments and reduced process completion time by 50%.


Delivering ROI with Bizagi 

Bizagi’s low-code platform and Spark framework enable you to deliver business solutions faster and at a lower cost, accelerating digital transformation efforts and creating better employee and customer experiences. Discover more about the benefits of choosing Bizagi here.