
Bizagi cloud availability locations

Bizagi Cloud High Availability

For enterprise-grade deployments

  •  Data replication across availability zones
  •  Data kept in the same geographic region
  •  Load is balanced between instances
  •  Included in licensing price

Disaster Recovery

Bizagi Cloud disaster recovery service is designed to support target time frames needed to ensure acceptable service levels.

  •  5 minutes recovery point objective (RPO)
  •  3 hours recovery time objective (RTO)
  •  Risk Analysis: Each infrastructure component and supporting systems are reviewed to determine the criticality of its functions, as well as its dependencies
  • Backup Strategy: Regular full and incremental backups are performed to minimize the recovery point objective of the disaster recovery service
  •  Testing & Training: Includes data recovery procedures, data integrity from the backups, and communication procedures

Data Redundancy

Nothing is more important than your data.

  •  All production data is replicated on its paired region
  •  All production data is included in nightly backups
  •  Data in all environments is backed up at least every 10 minutes in a separate, isolated location within the same geographical region

Trust Center

Padlock icon overlayed on motherboard


Close up of code on screen

