Discover how DHL Group increased connectivity across the enterprise and automated multiple processes end-to-end
Increased process efficiency. Reduced operating costs.
More time for higher-value work. Greater competitive advantage.
Better data processing. Improved compliance.
Yes, you’ve likely read and heard all about the benefits of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). How the right low-code IPA tools can power the kind of accurate and agile workflows that save you significant sums of time and money. But getting the most out of your IPA investment is about more than flicking a switch. Once you have the right tools in place, what comes next?
Here are the five steps you should take to begin realising the benefits:
Intelligent process automation tools can drive significant efficiency gains throughout your business when promoted, implemented and managed with care.
But in order to build the strongest possible case for going big with IPA, you need to start with a smaller and more targeted approach – one that aligns with specific business goals. So consider your broader business strategy and look for clear, relevant IPA opportunities.
After you’ve identified some of the ways that intelligent process automation tools can help to drive efficiencies in your core business processes, take the time to choose the ones most primed for change – and best placed to deliver rapid returns.
Are there any obvious quick wins? What could the change mean for affected employees? And how will you measure improvement? In short, try to separate the likely short-term wins from those that bring greater complexity and require more time to demonstrate value.
Intelligent process automation is something of an evolving process in itself – built on continual measurement, considered refinement and confident standardization. Because while IPA tools can help to support smarter ways of working and a healthier bottom line from the start, the best way to unlock their full potential is to regularly re-examine your automated processes.
Does a process include any unnecessary steps? How could two separate processes better serve one another – or even be combined into one? Could a successfully automated process be standardized in order to drive improvements elsewhere? There are always new opportunities for even greater efficiency gains.
Your legacy systems don’t need to be obstacles on the road to digital transformation. And you don’t need to deploy Digital Process Automation (DPA), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in isolation.
With the right intelligent process automation platform, you can connect and easily reconfigure an array of legacy systems. The platform orchestrates a seamless flow of data between people, processes and bots – and serves to power the disruptive capabilities that are so critical to helping your organization remain competitive.
Intelligent process automation technologies can have a profound impact on everything from process efficiency and employee experience to business innovation and compliance capabilities. But even the most advanced tools can only be effective with the right people in place to deliver support – and drive advocacy.
Start identifying your IPA team by answering questions like: “Who knows our manual processes best?” “Who knows the ins-and-outs of our automated processes?” “Who can provide technical support when we need it?
When your people are bought into your IPA strategy, your organization can begin to realize all the benefits.
Visit our Intelligent Process Automation page to learn more about how the right tools could help to drive new efficiencies and empower people throughout your organization.