  • Takeda Pharmaceuticals
  • KUNDE:
  • Takeda Pharmaceuticals
  • Gesundheitswesen
  • Germany


global employees enabled by PaaS migration

One of the biggest pain points for business users was the lack of agility within the system landscape. In the pharmaceutical world, Healthcare professional (HCP) engagement is very complicated: it requires lots of approvals and ethics and compliance checks. Data has to be collected and reported on annually. Takeda needed to automate the cross-border recipes of pharmaceutical products to ensure they met ethics and compliance standards and create agile processes that could be adjusted to meet international regulations. At the same time, they needed to migrate all their operations to the cloud to enable transparency across systems while adhering to strict data security rules.

Takeda launched the ‘GEARS’ program to enable end-to-end process management. They used reusable forms and applied business rules and logic to processes to easily adapt business processes. This meant they could roll out a standardized global business process and then amend it to meet regional regulations. This also have the agility to change processes and keep them up-to-date to reflect changes to compliance rules. They migrated their operations to the cloud to meet global data standards and enable transparency across systems. This was achieved in an impressive four months, with over 5,000 employees now using the platform.

We definitely see reduced complexity in terms of our internal infrastructure. Any complex business processes are defined, implemented, and working smoothly without any negative impact on the business while respecting budget constraints and the very strict demands of the implementation."

Rebecca Karp

Strategic Procurement Processes and Digital Lead


  • Automate cross-border recipes of pharmaceutical products for ethics and compliance
  • Standardize and automate approvals for healthcare professional engagement
  • Enable process configurability to meet different international regulations
  • Adhere with global IT strategy to move applications to the cloud
  • Enable transparency across systems
  • Adhere to strict global regulations on data security


  • Created ‘GEARS’ program to deploy Bizagi on a global scale across the organization
  • Used forms and logic to support business rules across business processes
  • Reusable components for agile development
  • Entire cloud migration completed in four months
  • Cloud-based app used by over 5,000 employees