Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
hours of data entry work outsourced to Shared Services
days per month freed up
background checks automated in seven months
12 weeks
to deliver shared services integration
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Executive search firm Russell Reynolds wanted to modernize their way of working to maximize value to clients while improving employee experience. They established three regional Centers of Excellence (CoE), with the aim to use these to support employees with candidate research and redistribute more basic research work to the newly expanded Shared Services team.
Bizagi was used to move, manage and track the workload of local offices and route it to the CoEs or Shared Services to enable a more efficient way of working. In the first year of using Bizagi, 71,000 hours of data entry work was offloaded to Shared Service, giving Executive Assistants and Researchers up to 30% more time to focus on key areas of business, rather than administrative work. They also automated the candidate background check processes, which previously took 3-4 hours to complete and is now an entirely hands-off process.
We connect a lot of systems together with Bizagi… it’s important to model the process first and then the online platform makes it more user friendly for our customers."
Senior Process Automation Manager
A maior empresa de serviços de gerenciamento de instalações privadas do mundo automatiza o novo processo de integração para uma redução de 93% no tempo de criação de um novo registro de funcionário.
A operação portuguesa da terceira maior empresa de contratação do mundo transforma os sistemas de TI para reduzir em 95% o tempo médio de conclusão do SLA.
A fabricante de bens de consumo global obtém uma redução de 70% nos custos da fábrica de processos criada com o Bizagi.