Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
cost reduction in building new workflows
savings in eight months
faster delivery times
This global consumer goods manufacturer was looking to make their business better, faster and more cost effective and create a company-wide standard for all process. They wanted to ensure quality across their large, global projects to deliver consistent results at affordable costs.
They created a Center of Excellence to help them quickly roll out processes using Bizagi. In the first eight months, the cost of building new workflows has decreased by 70% and the project is paying for itself in less than a year thanks to $800,000 savings from re-suable components and faster deployment times.
Manager, BPM Center of Excellence
United States
One of the world’s largest consumer goods companies brings complete visibility to supply chain & finance processes, cutting cycle times in half
A maior fabricante de roupas esportivas da Europa transforma a cadeia de suprimentos de 400 fábricas a fim de melhorar a eficiência operacional em 60%.