
Model and automate to improve business operations

Organizations across the globe have increased their focus on operational efficiency. Our platform is helping many of those companies to evaluate, improve and automate business processes, all on one enterprise platform. 

Key features of Bizagi


Process modeling

Map out your business process, starting with how it works today. Then work with stakeholders to evaluate changes you can make to that process to improve it.

Powerful and intuitive process mapping

Publish diagrams in different file formats

Import from other process mapping tools

Process simulation

Run multiple “what-if” scenarios to test different solutions and select the best path using factors such as cost, time, resource utilization and ROI for each scenario.

Helps identify and eliminate bottlenecks

Explore different ‘what if’ scenarios

Provides information to support ROI



Process mining

Our enterprise platform empowers you to discover how your processes really work based on your existing data. Upload event logs and generate BPMN diagrams to gain insight into your operations.

Gain transparency into the real business process

Improve efficiency and compliance

See where processes impact the customer

Complete the journey with process automation

A process model is theoretical until you put it into action. The best way to do that is to automate your processes using low-code applications. When the applications your employees work in have the best process built in, everything moves faster while maintaining compliance.

Turn process models into low-code enterprise apps

Ensure process is followed to protect compliance

Transform potential efficiency gains into real ROI


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