
Bizagi’s Responsible AI Principles


In line with our aforementioned commitments, to ensure that Bizagi’s AI capabilities are created and utilized responsibly, this document establishes a comprehensive set of Responsible AI Principles.



This Policy governs any activities related to any use of Bizagi AI tools and/or Generative AI by Bizagi employees, contractors, and consultants.


1. Core principles:

The following core principles govern the development, deployment, and ongoing refinement of our AI technologies in order to align with societal values and contribute positively to the global community:

1.1.    Prioritize Ethical AI Development
We commit to embedding ethical considerations at every stage of AI development. This includes evaluating the societal implications of our AI solutions and ensuring they align with ethical standards that promote human well-being and fairness.

1.2.    Ensure Robust Privacy Protections
Protecting user privacy is paramount. We integrate privacy-by-design principles into Bizagi AI tools (including Bizagi Ada) so that personal data is handled with the utmost care, transparency, and in compliance with Global Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”), as well as other data privacy laws.

1.3.    Promote Security and Resilience
We prioritize the security of our AI systems by implementing rigorous security measures to protect against known threats and vulnerabilities detected by third party audits, hackathons, and other diligence performed at regular intervals. Our AI tools are designed to be resilient, ensuring continuous operation and protection against unauthorized access.

1.4.    Foster Inclusivity and Diversity
Our AI systems utilize Azure OpenAI and are crafted to be inclusive, accommodating the varied needs and viewpoints of all users. We are committed to eliminating biases in our AI systems and ensuring that our technologies benefit all communities fairly. By focusing on fairness and inclusivity, we strive to ensure that our AI systems serve diverse populations impartially.

1.5.    Enhance Transparency and Explainability
We strive to make our AI systems transparent and their operations understandable. Users are provided with clear, concise explanations of how AI-driven decisions are made, ensuring that they can trust and effectively interact with our AI solutions.

1.6.    Guarantee Accountability and Governance
We ensure that our AI systems are accountable to users and stakeholders. For example, we establish clear governance frameworks for AI oversight, providing mechanisms for feedback and redress, and maintaining human oversight to ensure responsible AI usage.

1.7.    Uphold High Standards of Scientific Excellence
Our AI development is rooted in scientific rigor and innovation. We adhere to the highest standards of scientific excellence, engaging in continuous research and collaboration to advance the state of AI technology responsibly.

1.8.    Mitigate Unintended Consequences
We are vigilant in identifying and mitigating potential unintended consequences of our AI technologies. This involves continuous monitoring, assessment, and refinement of our AI systems to prevent and address any adverse impacts. 

1.9.    Promote Ethical AI Usage
We are dedicated to promoting the ethical use of AI through education and awareness. We provide resources and training to our employees, partners, and customers to ensure they understand the ethical implications of AI and can make informed decisions about its use.

1.10.    Restrict Harmful Applications
We are committed to preventing the misuse of our AI technologies. We prohibit the development and deployment of AI for harmful purposes.

1.11.    Engage with Stakeholders
We actively engage with stakeholders, including customers, employees, regulators, and the public, to ensure that our AI principles reflect diverse perspectives and address the concerns of all relevant parties. This collaboration helps us to continually improve our AI practices and policies.

1.12.    Bizagi Continuous Improvement Commitment 
To uphold our commitment to responsible AI, Bizagi will implement a robust framework that ensures continuous adherence to our established principles. This framework encompasses governance, monitoring and stakeholder engagement, ensuring that our AI technologies consistently align with ethical, privacy, and security standards.


2. Establish a Committee for AI Governance

Bizagi will create an AI Governance Committee, according to the Security and Compliance committee, responsible for overseeing the development and deployment of AI technologies. This committee will include representatives from various departments, including legal, compliance, technology, ethics, and data protection. Their primary role will be to ensure that all AI projects comply with our Responsible AI Principles and to address any ethical or compliance issues that arise.

2.1.    Conduct Regular Audits and Assessments
We will perform regular audits and assessments of our AI systems to ensure compliance with our principles. This includes evaluating the fairness, transparency, and accountability of our AI models, as well as their adherence to privacy and security standards. Independent third-party assessments may also be conducted to provide an unbiased evaluation of our practices.

2.2.    Implement Continuous Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of AI systems will be established to detect and mitigate any deviations from our principles. This process will include evaluating AI performance, identifying potential biases, assessing security threats, and ensuring compliance with privacy standards. Human oversight will play a crucial role in promptly identifying and addressing any issues that arise.

2.3.    Provide Ongoing Training and Education
We will offer regular training and education programs for employees, focusing on ethical AI development, privacy, security, and the responsible use of AI. These programs will ensure that all team members are knowledgeable about our principles and policies, as well as equipped to implement these in their work.

2.4.    Promote a Culture of Accountability
A culture of accountability is promoted within Bizagi, where every employee understands their role in upholding our principles and policies. Clear accountability mechanisms will be established, and employees will be encouraged to report any concerns or breaches of these principles without fear of retribution.

2.5.    Engage with Stakeholders
Continuous engagement with stakeholders (including customers, partners, regulators, and the broader community) will be a priority. Feedback mechanisms will be established with regular cadence to gather insights and address concerns, so that our AI practices remain transparent and aligned with societal values.

2.6.    Update and Refine AI, Privacy and Security Principles
As the field of AI evolves, Bizagi will regularly review and update our principles and policies to address new challenges and opportunities. This iterative process may involve consultation with experts and stakeholders to ensure our principles remain relevant and effective.

2.7.    Transparency
Bizagi will publish annual transparency reports on our AI practices, including compliance with our Responsible AI Principles. These reports will provide transparency to our stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to responsible AI development.

2.8.    Develop Ethical AI Policies
Clear ethical AI policies will be established and integrated into our overall business strategy through training, resources, and monitoring for accountability and continuous improvement. These policies will guide all AI-related activities to ensure that ethical considerations are consistently prioritized.

2.9.    Implement Data Protection, Privacy and Security Requirements
Data protection is a cornerstone of our Responsible AI Principles. We will enforce strict data protection requirements, including data minimization, encryption, access controls, and anonymization where applicable. Compliance with AI and data protection regulations, such as GDPR or European Union AI Act, will be rigorously maintained to safeguard user data.

By implementing this comprehensive framework, Bizagi will ensure that our AI technologies not only comply with our Responsible AI Principles but also contribute positively to society, upholding the highest standards of ethics, privacy, and security.



Security and Compliance Manager
Director, Global Legal Affairs & Corporate Secretary


Policy Owner

Sr Legal Counsel
Information Security Analyst



This document is restricted.


Violations and enforcement

Violation of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action.



  • None.


  • European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • European Union AI Act.


Document Change History

Version Date Remarks
1.0 9/30/2024 Complete policy.