
How to Boost Business Agility with Low-Code Process Automation

As technology continues to advance, today’s businesses must be flexible enough to adapt. Business leaders need to be confident that their operations are capable of coping, to make the most of these exciting new opportunities and overcome any challenges on the way.  

So, business agility is critical: the ability to adapt to change and move with the times, inside and outside your organization, to maintain competitive advantage while remaining cost-effective and operationally efficient.


Why is business agility important – and what are the barriers to success? 

Agile organizations are better able to weather unexpected developments as they happen, to make the best of any new situation. For example, fluctuating market conditions, increasing customer demands, fast staff turnover, evolving governance policies, new product launches… and so on. They can navigate this unchartered territory more smoothly and stay productive in the process.

The case for nurturing business agility is strong and logical – but it can be difficult to achieve in a modern commercial environment, for a variety of reasons: 

- A risk-averse or fearful corporate culture naturally stifles the innovative thinking needed for agility. 

- Imprecise individual and organizational goals, roles, and expectations prevent commitments being made and objectives being met. 

- Overly complex, manual processes slow down decision-making and compromise the energy needed to create change. 

- Siloed, isolated departments and disparate locations limit the potential for agility and innovation. 

- Legacy, disjointed IT systems are no longer fit for purpose and don’t enable information to be accessed or shared quickly or easily.


Simplicity and clarity are key…  

Business agility relies on a degree of freedom and flexibility, in order to be nimble enough to adapt quickly, absorb ideas and be comfortable with new ways of working. 

For this to happen, management and processes have to be as simple and clear as possible, to keep everyone on the same page, with a good understanding of and confidence in their roles, objectives and expectations.

… and low-code process automation platforms are an ideal place to start. 

Low-code platforms can help break down these barriers and encourage business  agility, by giving their users a convenient and easy way to design, build, and test business applications without needing to be an IT expert.


Low-code platforms increase agility by making you: 

More efficient – by identifying and removing bottlenecks in your existing processes, while automating cumbersome or repetitive manual tasks to free up resource and speed up operations.  

More responsive – by using a handy ‘drag-and-drop’ interface so you can change and update processes, then action them quickly. 

Fully compliant – by building rules into your business processes and enabling you to make any changes you need easily to meet regulatory updates as they happen.  

Unified and collaborative – through one common, centralized platform where all your teams and employees can share information, assign tasks and view business data together, in real-time. 


Having a single, consistent, simple and reliable platform in place can transform the way your business works, unlocking potential and opening new doors for operational excellence and competitive advantage. Ultimately, you get the performance and insight you need to work smarter, closer and smoother. 

Bizagi’s low-code process automation platform gives you access to all this and more. In one platform you can design your business processes, and create personalized modern apps that automate those processes.  

Trusted by leading organizations around the world – it’s the most flexible platform you’ll find for creating enterprise apps that transform your business operations.


To find out more about the benefits of using a low-code automation platform and the demonstrable difference it can make to your business, visit https://bizagi.com/en/platform.