Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
Security audit checks implemented
Real-time updates on credit request status
The 5-star hotel chain had the ability to administer loans to patrons on its casino floor to enable them to keep playing for longer. But short-term loans at a high volume require intense scrutiny to ensure regulatory compliance.
Multiple external systems were required to retrieve and update information manually and the credit approval process lacked a mechanism to manage and track the process end-to-end. Bizagi and their partner Nividous worked together to build a solution that automated all key components of the process and provided real-time integration between the systems, generating single-click reports and security checks that were mapped within the process.
The Credit Patron Database project went live with no issues. I want to thank the team for all their hard work and dedication, without which this project would not have been a success."
Project Manager
A seguradora japonesa do oitavo maior banco do mundo transforma seu processo de sinistros de seguro B2B para garantir a conformidade e satisfação dos clientes.
O provedor asiático de crédito usa a automatização de processos digitais para aprovar a decisão de liberação de crédito em 30 minutos e emitir cartões de crédito prontos para uso na agência.
O maior credor agrícola nos EUA substitui os processos antigos para analisar 97% dos empréstimos em prazos menores.