Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
reduction in process time
FCA compliance
Many Spanish SMBs faced bankruptcy, affected by frozen credit lines following the global financial crisis. ICO, funded by the Spanish government, conceived the idea of the Financial Facilitator: an analytical credit application tool designed to get the cash flowing for hard-hit businesses. They needed to get it up and running fast because every day lost could lead to another SMB going bankrupt.
Bizagi and credit process experts, PwC, designed and delivered the complete solution in just eight weeks. Anytime, anywhere applications and workflows were made available via the customer portal, which supported over 140,000 applications in the first year of the Financial Facilitator’s operation.
ICO’s Financial Facilitator received a nationwide recognition at the launch and is still perceived as the most friendly and innovative online credit application platform for Spanish SMBs."
O maior banco da Colômbia combina Bizagi e RPA para liberar mais de 515.000 horas por ano na agência.
Um dos maiores bancos da Espanha automatizou o gerenciamento de retomada imobiliária através de 12 processos principais, 30% mais rápido do que o esperado.
O principal banco espanhol desenvolve uma rápida automatização de processos para oferecer transparência a 400 usuários em apenas 6 semanas.