Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
reduction in time on pricing approval process
faster credit claim process
per approval time saving
Global document solutions provider and printing manufacturer, Kyocera began their enterprise-wide digitization journey in 2016 when they looked to optimize their special pricing approval process. The paper-based process was inefficient, so they wanted to give senior executives more visibility and speed up the process to increase their opportunity of winning business deals. The visibility of past data would also help to make recommendations to the approving individual and ensure they were offering large account customers the correct discount.
With the help of Bizagi, not only did they reduce the average process time by 85%, reducing process time from 10 days to 1.5, but they also increased visibility and traceability. They integrated Bizagi with SAP to directly activate business opportunities, helping to win new business. They have digitized and automated more than eight additional processes to help employees be more productive and accelerate responses to enable better customer service. Company-wide outcomes include reduced operational work, especially in the sales department, as well as increased accuracy and availability of data.
Kyohei Shimada
Senior Manager, Technology Center
Um dos maiores produtores de produtos químicos do mundo usa o Bizagi para transformar as operações.
O fabricante de produtos para ciências biomédicas usa automatização de processos digitais para aumentar o tempo de produção dos principais processos de negócios em 45%.
A fabricante de bens de consumo global obtém uma redução de 70% nos custos da fábrica de processos criada com o Bizagi.