Descubra como o Grupo DHL aumentou a conectividade em toda a empresa e automatizou vários processos de ponta a ponta
Engineering company automates over 5000 reports to deliver visibility and cost savings across 47 construction sites
daily job reports automated
construction sites registered
delivery of first process
GNG, a construction engineering company that specializes in building foundations were looking to automate their primary processes to increase traceability across the organization, standardize processes and create a more efficient way of working. One of the primary processes was the Daily Job Report process. There was no daily control of production data, equipment maintenance or work reports. Most notes were made on paper or in spreadsheets, which led to a lack of visibility, which in turn resulted in difficulties in communication and billing errors.
Working with implementation partner P4Pro, GNG modeled and documented processes to create a standardized way of working with improved visibility and traceability. 47 construction sites have now been digitized and automated, with over 5000 daily job reports now automated. By orchestrating information with Bizagi and integrating with Power BI, GNG now has clear performance indicators from dashboards, helping them to make better business decisions with clear data and real-time updates. Additionally, automated production calculations and billing have helped to save time and money across the construction sites.
A empresa aeroespacial e de defesa multinacional torna o processo de solicitação de peças 720 vezes mais rápido, com 300 peças validadas automaticamente em 5 minutos.
Um dos maiores produtores de produtos químicos do mundo usa o Bizagi para transformar as operações.
Um fabricante de radiadores implanta o Bizagi para centralizar e padronizar as operações, reduzindo pela metade o tempo de espera dos pedidos.