  • Secretaria Da Fazenda Do Estado Do Ceará (SEFAZ)
  • Secretaria Da Fazenda Do Estado Do Ceará (SEFAZ)
  • Governo e Educação


cases handled in three years 


document digitization


faster case processing in audits


weeks to roll out first version of new HR process

Secretaria Da Fazenda Do Estado Do Ceará (SEFAZ), the State Finance Secretariat for the Brazilian State of Ceará, faced an immense digital transformation across its entire organization. Vital processes in need of automation included litigation and auditing. Additionally, they needed to create a new HR process to monitor employee productivity when the COVID pandemic forced them to work from home.

SEFAZ has now digitized 100% of its documents within the litigation, HR and auditing processes, saving time and money. Process automation has allowed the organization to handle over 25,000 cases in the space of three years and respond to requirements in an agile manner; the first version of the new HR process in response to COVID rolled out in just two weeks. Standardized processes across the organization have contributed to improved compliance and traceability, with automation accelerating processes, up to five times faster in the case of auditing.









One thing that I love in Bizagi is it’s low code approach, but if you need, you can code. In some parts we have to cope with complexity and Bizagi has the tools to cope with the complexity as well.”

Carlos Sérgio,

Project Director


  • Replace or integrate over 10 legacy systems
  • Create standardized way of working
  • Bring transparency to systems and processes
  • Reduce manual tasks and paperwork
  • Enable agile development to roll-out solutions across
  • Digitally transform functions including auditing, litigation & HR


  • Routines across legacy systems orchestrated using electronic forms and integrations.
  • Patterns and procedures reinforced by automation
  • Automatization of documents generation using templates
  • Total digitization of documents, including digital signing and validation
  • 25,000 cases handled in three years since deployment
  • 3 days from idea to prototype process and 2 weeks until production
  • Digitally transform various business functions including auditing, litigation & HR